[ATLA Monograph Series] Repp, Luther’s Catechism Comes to America: Theological E…
[ATLA Monograph Series] Repp, Luther's Catechism Comes to America: Theological E
[ATLA Monograph Series] Repp, Sr., Arthur C. Luther’s Catechism Comes to America: Theological Effects on the Issues of the Small Catechism Prepared In or For America Prior to 1850. New Jersey, London, The Scarecrow Press, Inc., The American Theological LibraryXIV, Association, 1982. 22.1cm x 14.3cm. XIV, 297 pages. Original Hardcover. Close to new condition with only minor signs of wear. [ATLA Monograph Series, No. 18] Includes for Example: Catechetical Instruction among Early Lutheran Settlers in America/ The Swedes and Finns/ The Dutch/ The Germans/ German Catechisms issued prior to the first official Catechism, 1744-1785/ Zinzendorf’s Catechism/ Brunnholtz’s Catechism/ Marburger Gesang-Buch/ Der Kleine Darmstadtische Catechismus/ Henrich Miller Revision/ Kuntze’s Revision/ The Catechism of the Pennsylvania Ministerium/ Independent German Catechisms/ Catechisms of Valerius Tscherning/ Velthusen’s Catechism Series prepared in Germany for the Carolinas/ Henry Ernst Muhlenberg, Abriss der Bhristlichen Lehre/ Goehrung’s Order of Salvation 1798/ The Moravian Editions of Luther’s Catechism (1802 and 1816)/ Lochman’s German Catechisms/ Early English Catechisms, 1749-1811/ Catechism of Brunnholtz and Koch/ Carl M. de Wrangel/ Kuntze’s Catechism/ Kuntze-Strebeck Catechism/ The “Endress” Catechism/ New York Ministerium/ Endress’ English Pennsylvania Catechism/ Philip F. Mayer/ John Schmucker/ The “Bardstown” Catechism/ Anthony T. Braun/ Quitman’s “Evangelical Catechism”/ Frontier Catechisms by Paul Henkel/ German Luther Catechisms 1809-1811/ The German Christian Catechism (1811-1816)/ Conrad F. Temme/ Steck/ Carlisle/ Jager/ H. Wm. Scriba’s “Anfangsgrunde”, 1834/ English Catechisms during the rise of American Lutheranism/ F. C. Schaeffer’s Catechism/ Lochman’s Principles of the Christian Religion/ E.L. Hazelius’ Manual for Catechization/ The General Synod Catechism/ H.N. Pohlman/ Canajoharie Catechism/ “Gettysburg” Catechism/ David Henkel/ John G. Morris/ Charles A. Smith/Elling Eielsen/ Erik Pontoppidan/ Joint Ohio Synod Catechsms of 1831 and 1842/ Dresdner Kreutz/ West Pennsylvania Synod Catchism 1845-1850/ E. Peixoto’s “Leitfaden”/ Ohio Synod, Easter District/ William Shart/ The South Carolina Synod Catechism/ Henry Ludwig/ St. John Easton/ Conrad Miller/ Fr. Wyneken’s “Spruchbuch” etc.
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