Books on Irish History, Art & Design, Economics & Social Sciences, History and Culture.

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Westport / Ireland

Coffey, Aids and Obstacles to Ireland’s Progress. The Enemy within our Gates.

Coffey, Aids and Obstacles to Ireland's Progress. The Enemy within our Gates.

Coffey, Rev. P. Aids and Obstacles to Ireland’s Progress. The Enemy within our Gates. Two Lectures. Dublin, Catholic Total Abstinence Federation of Ireland, 1915. 18 x 12 cm. 35 pages. Original paper wrappers. Soft cover. Very good condition. Age darkened. Internally clean.

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Coffey, Aids and Obstacles to Ireland's Progress. The Enemy within our Gates.
Coffey, Aids and Obstacles to Ireland’s Progress. The Enemy within our Gates.

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Books on Irish History, Art & Design, Economics & Social Sciences, History and Culture.