Books on Irish History, Art & Design, Economics & Social Sciences, History and Culture.

When old books come back on the market they can once again scatter, travel, make people happy and nourish the passion for books.

West Coast Rare Books

West Coast Rare Books

Westport / Ireland

Mo Slige Cun De. Leabar Urnaigte d’n Atair Peadar Un Laoghaire. Ar Deir De Go Ra…

Mo Slige Cun De. Leabar Urnaigte d'n Atair Peadar Un Laoghaire. Ar Deir De Go Ra

Mo Slige Cun De. Leabar Urnaigte d’n Atair Peadar Un Laoghaire. Ar Deir De Go Raid A Anam. Dublin, Brun Agus O Nolain, Teoranta, 1921. 12 x 8 cm. vii, 174 pages. Original cloth with gilt title on front board. Red edges. Good condition only. Binding weak and opening. Spine frayed. Edges and end papers age darkened. Name of previous owner on verso of front free end paper. Text block remains in very good condition, but mildly age darkened. Reading copy or candidate for rebinding.

Our price: EUR 35,-- 

Mo Slige Cun De. Leabar Urnaigte d'n Atair Peadar Un Laoghaire. Ar Deir De Go Raid A Anam.
Mo Slige Cun De. Leabar Urnaigte d'n Atair Peadar Un Laoghaire. Ar Deir De Go Ra
Mo Slige Cun De. Leabar Urnaigte d'n Atair Peadar Un Laoghaire. Ar Deir De Go Ra

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Books on Irish History, Art & Design, Economics & Social Sciences, History and Culture.