Elizabethae Angliae Reginae Haeresim Calvinianam. Propugnantis Saevissimum in Catholicos sui Regni Edictum, Quod In Alios QuoQue Reipublicae Christinae principes contumelian continet indignissimas. Promulgatum Londini 29. Nouembris M.D.X C I.
Romae [Rome], Ex Typographia Aloysij Zannetti, 1593. c. 19 x 13 cm. TP, (2), 485 pages, (14) [Index & Errata sic corrigito]. Collation: TP, (2), A4 – Z4, Aa4 – Zz4, Aaa4 – Rrr2 Contemporary limp vellum. Handwritten title on spine. Very good condition. Some shelf wear to binding with a small hole near the top of the spine. Edges and end papers dust dulled. Lacks page 23/24. Some old annotations and underlining to a small number of pages. Otherwise a bright and clean copy.
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