‘Athair na hAthbheochana’ [Father of the Revival].
First Edition. Baile Átha Cliath, Foilseachán Náisiúnta Teoranta, 1981. 8°. VII, 207 pages. Original Hardcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.
EUR 28,-- Order
Books on Irish History, Art & Design, Economics & Social Sciences, History and Culture.
When old books come back on the market they can once again scatter, travel, make people happy and nourish the passion for books.
The catalog contains 259 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.
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“The House of the Temple”. A Study of Malta and its Knights in the French Revolution by Frederick W. Ryan.
First Edition. London, Burns Oates and Washbourne, 1930. 22 x 14 cm. xvi, 358 pages. With Illustrations and a folding Map. Original bright red cloth. HArd cover. Inside original decorated dust jacket, now inside clear archival jacket. Very good in very good, slightly discoloured dust jacket. Edges and end papers mildly foxed. Internally a bright and clean copy.
EUR 45,-- Order
“The Island of Saints;” or, Ireland in 1855.
First Edition. London, Seeleys, 1855. 16 x 10 cm. xxiv, 276 pages. With 10 (out of 11) Lithotint Plates and three woodcut Illustrations. Original green cloth with gilt titles on front board and spine. Elaborate blind decorations to boards and spine (see images). Very good condition. Binding with minor shelf wear. Spine faded into brown. Edges and end papers dust dulled. Small Ex Libris on front paste down. Inscription on front free end paper reads : ‘From the Author Sept. 1855’. A few neat annotations. A very nice copy.
EUR 300,-- Order
[Prieres Du Matin & Du Soir Avec Reflexions Saintes Pour Tous Les Jours Du Mois & L’Ordinaire De La Sainte Messe].
[Paris], De L’Impremerie de Joseph Barbou, 1729. 12 x 7.5 cm. (2)[Blank], pages numbered 4 to 162, (6), xxxvj. [No half title or title page]. Textured calf with gilt title (‘REFL SAIN’) and gilt decorations on spine and boards. Very good condition. No half title or title page. Text block starts with page number 3 (‘Avis’). Binding rubbed and bumped. Edges age darkened. Name of previous owner on first blank. Internally darkened, otherwise very clean.
EUR 180,-- Order
[Theologiae Moralis] Index Locupletissimus Resolutionum omnium, quae continentur, tam in Medulla R.P. Hermanni Busenbaum, S.J. Quam in Omnibus ad illam a Reverendo et Eximio P. Claudio La Croix, ejusdem Societ. Jesu, SS, Theologiae in Unversitate Coloniensi Doctore & Professore publico, Factis additamentis, secundum ordinem Alphabeti digestus a R.P. Leonardo Colendall, ejusdem Societatis Sacerdote. Tomulus IX.
Cologne, Apud Servatium Noethen, 1717. 1014 pages. Contemporary full vellum with blind decorations to both boards. Leather and metal clasps. Handwritten author and volume number on spine. Raised bands. Blue coloured edges. Very good condition. Some shelf wear, rubbing and bumping. Mildly age darkened throughout, otherwise clean. Name of previous owner on top of title page. A lovely copy in an attractive sturdy contemporary binding. See images.
EUR 295,-- Order
24 Tracts: The Society for diffusing Scriptural Knowledge by the distribution of Tracts. 1. Essay on the Nature of Divine Grace / 2. Doctrine of the Grace of God (William Mills) / 3. The Way of Forgiveness / 4. The Revealed Character of the True God / 5. A Suitable Remedie for Human Wretchedness / 6. A Letter to six Men under Sentence of Death / 7. Essay on the Most important of all Subjects / 8. Poor Joseph / 9. The Nature and Importance of Christ’s Salvation / 10. Christian Confidence / 11. The True Riches / 12. The Prophet and the Widow / 13. The Pharisee and the Publican / 14. The important Question answered / 15. The Fisherman / 16. Sin. No Trifle / 17. Atheism and Christianity Contrasted / 18. Doctrine of the Cross of Christ / 19. Israel healed by the Brazen Serpent / 20. Effectual Remedy / 21. Divine Grace Exemplified / 22. Poor Sarah / 23. Doctrine of three divine Persons / 24. Dialogue between a father and his son.
London, Printed by Benjamin Bensley, J. Haddon & Sold by W. Jones, 1819 – 1824. c. 13 x 8 cm. 6, 36, 15, 12, 16, 8, 14, 6, 8, 12, 18, 12, 24, 8, 8, 6, 30, 18, 12, 14, 8, 16, 16 & 20 pages. Contemporary full calf. Black spine label and gilt decorations. Very good condition. Rubbed and bumped. Bottom of front joint cracked. Edges and end papers age darkened. Neat gift inscription on front free end paper. Most of spine label missing. Bookworm channel on front end papers. Internally dust dulled, but otherwise clean.
EUR 275,-- Order
A Biblical Cyclopaedia. or; Dictionary of Eastern Antiquities, Geography, Natural History, Sacred Annals and Biography, Theology, and Biblical Literature, Illustrative of the Old and New Testaments. With Maps and Pictorial Illustrations.
Twelfth Edition, Revised Throughout and Enlarged. London, Charles Griffin & Company, 1871. 20 x 13.5 cm. viii, 690 pages. With illustrations in text and maps (hand-outlined). Professionally recased in 2020 using the original boards and spine. New end papers. Blind stamped cloth hard cover with gilt title on spine. Very good condition. Sound binding. Dust dulled and occasionally mildly foxed. Small stamp on titel page (see image). Internally clean.
EUR 58,-- Order
A Bishop and his Flock.
First Edition. London, Burns & Oates, 1903. 18 x 12 cm. viii, 414 pages plus 16 pages publishers list. Original dark blue cloth with gilt decorations and titles on front board and spine. Top edge gilt. Very good condition. Boards, corners and spine rubbed and bumped. Edges and end papers age darkened and foxed. Internally occasional foxing. Text block clean.
EUR 22,-- Order
A Body of Divinity. or, The sum and substance of Christian religion catechistically propounded and explained by way of question and answer : methodically and familiarly handled, for the use of families : to which is adjoyned a tract intituled Immanuel; or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. By the Most Reverend James Usher, late Arch-bishop of Armagh.
The seventh edition, carefully corrected from very many errors in former editions. London, Printed by J.D for Nathaniel Ranew and Jonathan Robinson, 1677. 32 x 20 cm. Frontispiece, Title Page, (4)[To the Reader], 40 pages [Life of the Author], (8) [TOC], 433 pages, (8) [Index]. [blank, frontispiece, a4-f3, A4-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa4-Mmm2]. Old calf. Very professionally rebacked. Later spine label with title and author in gilt. Very good condition. Sound binding. Names of a few previous owners neatly inscribed. Internally clean. A very nice copy.
EUR 450,-- Order
A Discourse of the Visible and Invisible Church of Christ. Together with ‘A Review of A Discourse…’ and ‘A Sermon Preach’d before the University of Oxford…’
Second, Second and First Edition. Three Books in One. London, London & Oxford, Tho. Woodward (x2) and Ant. Peisley, 1719, 1722 & 1721. 19.5 x 12 cm. xvi, (4), 188 pages / xvi, 432 pages, (8) / (2), 24 pages, (2). Contemporary calf with blind and gilt decorations. Raised bands. Red spine label with title. Red speckled edges. Very good condition. Some rubbing and bumping. Edges and end papers age darkened. Minor nicks and edge wear. Internally mildly age darkened and very clean. A very nice copy.
EUR 550,-- Order
antiquarian store Steffen Kowalsky drawing old book Amazon art
When old books come back on the market they can once again scatter, travel, make people happy and nourish the passion for books.