Children's Books and Literature, Photography, Performing Arts, Fine Bindungs & Editions.

Children's Books and Literature, Photography, Performing Arts, Fine Bindungs & Editions.

West Coast Rare Books

West Coast Rare Books

Westport / Ireland


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Machiavel, [The Works of Nicholas Machiavel].

Machiavel, Nicolas [Niccolò Machiavelli].

[The Works of Nicholas Machiavel]. Containing the following Works: The History of Florence / The Prince, Together with the Original of Guelf and Ghibilin, Life of Castruccio Castracani, Murther of Vitelli, &c. by Duke Valentino, State of France, State of Germany. / The Discourses of Nicholas Machiavel, upon the First Decade of Titus Livius. / The Art of War. / The Marriage of Belphegor. Also The Publisher to the Reader, concerning the following Letter & The Author’s Introduction.

London, Printed for A. Churchill, R. Bonwick, T. Goodwin et al, 1720. C. 32 x 20 cm. TP [History of Florence], (2) [Epistle to Clement VII], (10) [TOC], 180 pages (Florence], (4) [TP & Dedication: The Prince], pages 199-267 [The Prince], (4) [TP & Dedication: Discourses], pages 267-431 [Discourses], (4) [TP &c. The Art of War], pages 433-523 [The Art of War], pages 524-529 [The Marriage of Belphegor], pages 530-532 [Preface to the Reader], (1) [Epistle to Clement VII], (3) [The Author’s Introduction]. Numerous pages misnumbered: 169-170, 175-179, 235, 265. New (2024) half leather over marbled boards. New end papers. Spine labels. Text block in good condition. Missing overall title page [Works of Machiavel]. Heavy edge wear, particularly to first and last pages, with paper losses, but not affecting text. Large section (c. 50%) of page 26/26 missing. Closed tear to page 509/510. Paper darkened with some damp staining and occasional foxing.

EUR 1.500,-- Order

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