[Koussevitzky, Serge Koussevitzky – The Boston Symphony Orchestra and the New Am…
[Koussevitzky, Serge Koussevitzky - The Boston Symphony Orchestra and the New Am
[Koussevitzky, Hugo] Leichtentritt, Hugo. Serge Koussevitzky – The Boston Symphony Orchestra and the New American Music. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1947. 21.5cm x 14.5cm. 199 pages. Original Hardcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. Includes for example the following chapters: Koussevitzky’s First Seasons in Boston / Two Older Generations of American Composers / Second Wave of American Symphonic Writing / Illustrative American Program Music / The Russian-American School – and Others / The Neo-Classicism of Stravinsky and Hindemith in American Music / The Artist Koussevitzky / Koussevitzky as an Educator, etc.
Our price: EUR 25,-- |
[Koussevitzky, Serge Koussevitzky – The Boston Symphony Orchestra and the New American Music. |