Alschuler, Painting and Personality.
Alschuler, Painting and Personality.
Alschuler, Rose H. and Hattwick, La Berta Weiss. Painting and Personality. A Study of Young Children. First Edition. Volume I and II (complete). Chicago, The University of Chicago, 1947. 17.5cm x 23cm. XI, 590 pages with 120 illustrations. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket with protective Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Includes for exampel; The Bases of Understanding/ Individual Dynamics expressed through Colour usage/ Individual Dynamics Expressed through Line and Form/ Space Usage and Spatial Pattern/ Trends in Young Children’s Paintings Presented against a background of child development/ Significance of Easel Painting as Compared with Other Media/ Evaluating Children’s painting’s : Aids and safeguards, release and therapy/ Some educational Implications/Aims and Method/ Case Analysis: Aileen/ Emphasis on Red/ Emphasis on Blue/ Emphasis on Yellow/ Emphasis on Green/ Comparison of Blue and Green/ Emphasis on Black/ Emphasis on Orange/ Emphasis on Warm Colours/ Emphasis on Cold Colours/ Cold on Warm Colours/ Overlay in General/ Separate Placements of Colours/ Intermingling/ Indiscriminate mixing of colours/ Multicolour in easel painting/ Form Versus Colour Emphasis/ Circular Emphasis/ Emphasis on Squares, Rectangles, and Verticals/ Single Straights versus Continuous Curved Strokes/ Horizontal Emphasis/ Painting in Every Direction/ Diagonal Strokes/ Related Versus unrelated strokes/ Heavy Strokes/ light strokes/ Long and Short strokes/ Dotting/ Clean painting products/ Dirty painting products/ Wet Painting Strokes/ Dry painting strokes/ Painting off the page/ All over Page uncontrolled/ All over Page Controlled/ Work in Isolated or Restricted Masses/ Work Proportionate to Page/ Scattered strokes/ Filling the page/ Filling foms in Easel painting/ Painting over and over the same area/ Little retracing in Easel Painting/ Centered and off Center work/ Balance/ Major interest in Easel painting / Minor Interest in Easel painting/ Easel Painting versus Crayon Interest/ Easel Painting versus Clay interest/ Easel Painting versus dramatic play interest/ Easel Painting vrsus Block interest/ Age and Sex data related to preferences/ Large Output in Easel Painting/ Small Output in Easel Painting / Repetitive Painting themes/
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Alschuler / Hattwick – Painting and Personality. A Study of Young Children. |