Children's Books and Literature, Photography, Performing Arts, Fine Bindungs & Editions.

Children's Books and Literature, Photography, Performing Arts, Fine Bindungs & Editions.

West Coast Rare Books

West Coast Rare Books

Westport / Ireland

V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.

V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.

V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine. Organise Par La Societe Internationale De Transfusion Sanguine. Exemplaire imprime en l’honneur de Madame Legrand. First Edition. Paris, 1954. 40 x 29 cm. Large folio box contains 16 folded and beautifully illustrated pages, printed on high quality paper. Many in text illustrations, some full page, as well as tipped in images. 16 mounted art reproductions, mounted on pale blue paper. Folio sized box with cloth covered spine. Boards paper covered. Small gilt emblem on spine. Excellent condition. Box rubbed and somewhat age darkened. Contents bright and clean – as new.

A fascinating collection of images and art reproductions, many of them related to medical (blood transfusion) art works.

  • Language: English
  • Inventory Number: 101573AB

Our price: EUR 100,-- 

V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.
V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.
V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.
V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.
V Congres International De Transfusion Sanguine.

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