Our shop is located on James Street in the beautiful old Georgian part of Westport between the tree-lined Mall and the Octagon, one of the town’s well known landmarks.

We offer books on Travel & Exploration, Technology, Natural Sciences, Naval and Military History.

West Coast Rare Books

West Coast Rare Books

Westport / Ireland

[Blake, The Wond’rous Art.

[Blake, The Wond'rous Art.

[Blake, William] Pierce, John B. The Wond’rous Art. Wiiliam Blake and Writing. First Edition. London, Associated University Presses, 2003. 16cm x 24cm. 188 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.

Includes for example: Writing/ Scenes of Writing/ Between the Human and the Divine/ Between Speech and Writing/ Writing and Representation/ Writing and Rhetoric/ Writing Narrative/ Formal Structures I The Continental Prophecies/ Unwriting the Book/ Urizen Unbound/ Re-writing/ Vala or the Four Zoas and the Archaeology of Writing/ Rewriting Milton/ Teh Critique of Writing/ The Orality of Eternity/ The Aurality of Writing/ The Phenomenology of Writing/ The Infernal Scriptorium/

Our price: EUR 28,-- 

Pierce - The Wond'rous Art. Wiiliam Blake and Writing.
Pierce – The Wond’rous Art. Wiiliam Blake and Writing.

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