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West Coast Rare Books

West Coast Rare Books

Westport / Ireland

Social Sciences

The catalog contains 54 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

Machiavel, [The Works of Nicholas Machiavel].

Machiavel, Nicolas [Niccolò Machiavelli].

[The Works of Nicholas Machiavel]. Containing the following Works: The History of Florence / The Prince, Together with the Original of Guelf and Ghibilin, Life of Castruccio Castracani, Murther of Vitelli, &c. by Duke Valentino, State of France, State of Germany. / The Discourses of Nicholas Machiavel, upon the First Decade of Titus Livius. / The Art of War. / The Marriage of Belphegor. Also The Publisher to the Reader, concerning the following Letter & The Author’s Introduction.

London, Printed for A. Churchill, R. Bonwick, T. Goodwin et al, 1720. C. 32 x 20 cm. TP [History of Florence], (2) [Epistle to Clement VII], (10) [TOC], 180 pages (Florence], (4) [TP & Dedication: The Prince], pages 199-267 [The Prince], (4) [TP & Dedication: Discourses], pages 267-431 [Discourses], (4) [TP &c. The Art of War], pages 433-523 [The Art of War], pages 524-529 [The Marriage of Belphegor], pages 530-532 [Preface to the Reader], (1) [Epistle to Clement VII], (3) [The Author’s Introduction]. Numerous pages misnumbered: 169-170, 175-179, 235, 265. New (2024) half leather over marbled boards. New end papers. Spine labels. Text block in good condition. Missing overall title page [Works of Machiavel]. Heavy edge wear, particularly to first and last pages, with paper losses, but not affecting text. Large section (c. 50%) of page 26/26 missing. Closed tear to page 509/510. Paper darkened with some damp staining and occasional foxing.

EUR 1.500,-- Order

Dickens, The Works of Charles Dickens.

Dickens, Charles.

The Works of Charles Dickens. The Old Curiosity Shop (2 vol) / Barnaby Rudd & Hard Times (2 vol) / Little Dorrit (2 vol) / Nicholas Nickleby (2 vol) / Martin Chuzzlewit (2 vol) / David Copperfield (2 vol) / Bleak House (2 vol) / Dombey and Son (2 vol) / Our Mutual Friend (2 vol) / The Mystery of Edwin Drood, and other Stories / Oliver Twist / Sketches by Boz / The Uncommercial Traveller / A Child’s History of England / Great Expectations / A Tale of Two Cities / America Notes & Pictures from Italy / Christmas Stories / Christmas Books / The Pickwick Papers (Volume 2 only). With Illustrations by H.K. Browne, G. Cattermole, F. Walker, Marcus Stone, George Cruikshank, Edwin Landseer, Maclise, Stanfield, F. Stone, Doyle, Leech, and Tenniel.

29 Volumes. London & Philadelphia, Chapman and Hall & J.B. Lippincott, 1874-1876. c. 21 x 13.5 cm. vii, 532 / vi, 509 / ix, 578 / vi, 572 / xi, 524 / vii, 489 / xiv, 506 / viii, 500 / xiii, 504 / vii, 504 (4) / ix, 517 / vii, 527 / xi, 528 / vii, 523 / ix, 522 / vii, 528 / vi, 513 / vi, 500 / 552 / x, 506 / xii, 577 / vi, 409 / x, 468 / 560 / x, 431 / vii, 506 / 709 & 493 pages. Illustrated. Uniform contemporary half calf over marbled boards. Each volume with two morocco spine labels with gilt titles. Gilt decorations to spine. Matching marbled end papers and edges. Very good condition. Minor shelf wear, rubbing and bumping. Edges dust dulled. Occasional very mild foxing/browning, but generally exceptionally bright and clean. A very nice set, but missing volume 1 of Nicholas Nickleby.

EUR 1.800,-- Order

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